Thursday, June 9, 2011

filling in

Hello, there.

Some of you have been wondering where we've been. We're here, and aside from some computer problems that have been keeping me away, all is good and busy. We've been happily...

splashing in the high water brought by heavy rains

enjoying fresh local chicken from the farmer's market

bringing in the blooms

catching frogs in the creek

tending things growing

And that's just a little bit of filling in for the past week. I'm hoping to be back here more (computer willing) with some celebrations, some things in the making and some recipes to share. Thanks to those of you who have checked in on us. We're all doing fine.

Won't you tell us, what has been filling in your days?


Sara said...

We've been filling the days with lots of water -- sprinklers, pools and melon, too. Trying to stay cool!

Laura said...

I was wondering where you've been. Glad to know all is well. Love your pictures, as always!