This recipe came to me from my sister, who received it from a friend, who got it from someone else, originating who knows where. It's become a regular around here, not only for its ease and taste, but also for how healthy it is. The batter starts the night before, with whole grains that are blended with yogurt, kefir or buttermilk and left to soak overnight. Allowing the grains to soak in the cultured dairy helps to break down the phytates present in grains that can prevent your body from absorbing nutrients. The room for play in this recipe keeps it at the top of our breakfast list... different combinations of grains, fruits and vegetables make it easy to come up with new, equally satisfying versions. And getting a headstart on breakfast the night before makes for an easy morning.

Soaked Grain PancakesMix in blender at high speed for three minutes:
1 Tbs. Olive oil
1 cup cultured dairy (buttermilk, yogurt or kefir)
1/2 cup uncooked oats (rolled or whole)
1/2 cup uncooked brown rice (try buckwheat, millet, barley, spelt, kamut, or any other whole, raw grain)
Cover blender and leave out overnight.
Just before baking, add and reblend for 3 more minutes:
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
Other add ins:
pureed pumpkin, squash or sweet potato with warming spices
ripe bananas and cinnamon
This will be a thin batter, but you can adjust the consistency as needed by adding flour or liquid.
I usually make a double batch. Our favorite version uses brown rice, cinnamon, chopped almonds and homemade applesauce. We serve it along with my simplified version of:
Cinnamon Poached PearsPlace 2 pears, peeled, sliced and cut to desired size, in a small saucepan or frying pan. Add a few tablespoons of water, a dash of salt and a generous amount of ground cinnamon. Cover and simmer for a few minutes, until the liquid reduces and becomes a syrup.
Hmm, it seems every time I tried to take a picture of this breakfast, someone kept snatching the pears!

This post is part of
Pennywise Platter over at The Nourishing Gourmet, as well as on
Monday Mania at The Healthy Home Economist.