In the wake of the news of Japan, I haven't felt much like posting our daily adventures here. Our thoughts have been with the many people who have been affected by this incredible disaster. The children are full of questions for which I don't always have child-sized answers. But we find comfort in the familiarity of the usual rhythms, moving now with a bit more reflection and, certainly, a deeper gratitude.
There has been a bit of crafting these past few days...
lavender scented glycerin and coconut oil soapsPlenty of cooking...
soaked grain oatmeal with simmered apples and homegrown syrupAdventuring outdoors...

And lots more syrup being made and enjoyed.
I'm entranced by the sight and sound of bubbling sap.
Another quart plus of syrup, with a lighter finish and flavor than the first boil down.
I'm happy to count this sweet stuff among the simple things for which I am feeling grateful these days, sharing it with friends and family and enjoying it atop our Sunday morning breakfast.

Wishing you an abundance of sweetness and gratitude.
Your syrup looks so good (so do those pancakes!)
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